On March 15, 2022 at the Company's meeting room, 8th floor, PetroVietnam Building No. 1-5 Le Duan, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, the Gas South Youth Union successfully organized the grassroots Delegation Congress to summarize activities of the Youth Union and Youth movement for the 2017-2022 term and set out the direction of activities for the term 2022-2027.
Due to the complicated development of the epidemic situation, in accordance with the spirit of Resolution No. 10-NQ/TWDTN-BTC dated February 8, 2022 of the Central Committee of the Youth Union on the pilot organization of periodical activities, In special cases, the Gas South Youth Union organized the Congress through face-to-face and online format at 4 bridge points: Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho, Da Nang and Nha Trang.
The Gas South Youth Union was honored to welcome Mr. Phan Quoc Nghia - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Luan - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director; Mr. Dang Van Vinh - Chairman of the Trade Union, Deputy General Director of the Company and 65 delegates who are elite cadres and union members representing 173 union members of 7 affiliated branches to attend the Congress.
The congress listened to Mr. Tran Van Huynh Long - Secretary of the Youth Union, who presented a report summarizing the Youth Union's work and movement for the term 2017-2022, the direction of activities and setting targets to strive for completed in the term 2022-2027. According to the contents of the report for the previous term, it can be seen that the Gas South Youth Union has successfully completed the assigned tasks, has many outstanding achievements, and played a large role in the youth's business activities. The company adopts initiatives to improve technology and youth work and projects. The direction of the Youth Union's activities and the youth movement in the new term has also shown the determination of the Gas South Youth Union, worthy of being the company's shock force in production and business activities.
The congress also listened to Mr. Tran Van Thang - Member of the Executive Committee of the grassroots Youth Union presenting a review report of the Executive Board for the term 2017-2022, thereby reviewing the shortcomings that have not been done and the positive aspects of the future. continue to develop for the new term. The Congress also received instructions from Mr. Phan Quoc Nghia - Secretary of the Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Luan - General Director and Mr. Dang Van Vinh - Chairman of the Company's Trade Union on the work of admission to the Party for elite Union members, the work of gathering youth, the coordination in organizing activities between Trade Union - Youth Union, youth projects and tasks in the new term associated with production and business activities of the Company.
The congress conducted a direct election of the grassroots Youth Union Secretary and Mr. Tran Van Thang was elected to hold the position of Secretary of the grassroots Youth Union for the term 2022-2027 with the approval of 100% of the participants, and at the same time The Congress elected the Executive Committee for the new term of 14 remaining comrades to lead the Gas South Union to successfully complete the tasks set out by the Congress. Speaking to accept the task, on behalf of the Executive Committee for the term 2022-2027, Mr. Tran Van Thang - Secretary of the grassroots Youth Union who was just elected promised to join the Executive Board to lead the Gas South Youth Union to successfully complete the task and striving targets set by the Congress, maintaining the role of strong grassroots Union excellent in Union work and youth movement.
After nearly 4 hours of serious work, on behalf of the Gas South Youth Union, Mr. Tran Van Thang - Secretary of the Gas South Youth Union for the term 2022-2027 delivered a speech summarizing the Congress, expressing his deep gratitude to Mr. The Gas South Youth Union, under the close attention and direction, created all the most favorable conditions for the Youth Union's work and youth movement of the Party Committee, the Company's administration and the superior Union. At the same time, he also expressed his wish that in the coming term, the Gas South Youth Union would continue to receive support in all aspects from the authorities at all levels and the superior delegation.
The Congress of the Gas South Youth Union for the term 2022-2027 ended in excitement and determination, showing broad solidarity and reflecting the will and aspirations of the youth of the union's cadres and union members of Company youth. The Youth Union of the Company will always unite, practice hard, strive to complete tasks in the new term, always be creative and aggressive in building, promoting and developing the Company's product brand more and more strong.
Some pictures from the Congress:
- Huynh Long -